All Hail The Power of Jesus’ Name

All Hail The Power of Jesus Name (Verses 1,2,6 Only)
All Hail The Power of Jesus Name (All Verses – 1,2,4 Highlighted)

All Hail The Power of Jesus Name NRUMC 11-1-23 (Versesv1,2,4 Only)
All Hail The Power of Jesus’ Name (Verses 1,2,6)

All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name
1 All hail the power of Jesus Name! Let angels prostrate fall.
Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown him, lord, of all. (X2)
2 ye chosen seed of Israel’s race, ye ransomed from the fall;
Hail him who saves you by his grace, and crown him, lord, of all (x2)
4 let every kindred, every tribe on this celestial ball,
To him all majesty ascribe, and the Crown him, lord, of all (x2)